Physics for Economy <div align="justify"> <p>Scientific Papers of the Rzeszów University of Technology - <strong>Physics for Economy</strong> - published since 2017, are a continuation of scientific publications published since 1984, under the name MATEMATICS and PHYSICS.&nbsp;It is an open access log, issued on a continuous basis. Scientific Papers of the Rzeszów University of Technology, Physics for Economy, include original scientific papers on: nano-particles, optical image analysis, fiber optic sensors, metrology of physical quantities, spintronics, acoustics, magnetostriction, laser processing, mechanical properties, computer science and its applications in the above-mentioned.</p> <p><strong><a href="">e - ISSN 2544-7750&nbsp;</a> &nbsp;</strong></p> </div> Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza en-US Physics for Economy 2544-7750 STRUCTURE OF VITAMIN K AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN MEDICINE <p class="a-abstract-EN"><span lang="EN-GB">Quinones and its derivatives – vitamin K are well known species in medicine. The chemical structure, configurational isomerism of vitamin K and the differences in the biological activity is shown in this paper.</span></p> Tadeusz Jasiński Violetta Bednarska Marian Kuźma Copyright (c) 2024 Physics for Economy 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 6 1 5 15 10.7862/rf.2024.pfe.1 OPTICAL FEEDBACK. II DYNAMIC EFFECTS. <p>In the present paper the mathematical model, introduced by Crutchfield [1], for video feedback performance is outlined. The two dynamical fractals observed in our video feedback experiment have been described. The first one shows the five-fold symmetry. Its spatial form relates well to the one which was simulated numerically by Andersen [2]. The second one consists of black strips with dislocations and rotates with the velocity of 0.2 1/s<sup>-1</sup>. The spatial form looks like a modern picture and its spatial time evolution correlates well with Chopin music.</p> Marian Kuźma Paweł Bałuka Copyright (c) 2024 Physics for Economy 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 6 1 17 30 10.7862/rf.2024.pfe.2