Bicycle transport within selected Polish and European Union cities


Urban transport and its organization is one of the most important areas related to the functioning of the city. Properly organized urban transport should quickly and efficiently meet all transport needs. Transport activities can have negative effects on the urban environment. The most significant are congestion, environmental pollution, and noise. In addition to the negative impact on the city's environment, transport also contributes to the consumption of non-renewable energy sources. For this reason, the idea of sustainable transport has started to play an important role in recent years. This idea provides residents with economically and time-favorable ways of moving while limiting the impact of transport's harmful effects on the environment. Bicycle transport is an important element of sustainable transport; in many cases, it is faster and has zero emissions. The purpose of this article was to present the impact of selected factors such as the size of the city and the degree of economic development on the functioning of bicycle transport in selected cities of the European Union and Poland.
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