Direct foreign investment as a development factor of the economy and its economic security


The purpose of the article is to indicate the role of foreign direct investment in ensuring the economic security of the economy receiving this capital. The concept of economic security is related to the economy as well as international and global perspectives.

In this article, it also comes from the assumption that the definitions of economic security today must relate to opportunities and threats to development processes. It is indicated that in the context of the guarantee of unhampered development, which is the effect of proper shaping of economic interdependencies of a given economy with foreign countries. In addition, the role of trade and international connections in this process is highlighted. Economic security in this approach is identified not only with the uninterrupted functioning of economies as a result of the inflow of FDI, but also with the assurance of a comparative balance with the economies of other countries .

The article mainly focuses on measurable aspects of FDI impact on the Polish economy. The data used for the analyzes came from the Central Statistical Office, National Polish Bank and OECD databases. While developing the subject, the method of analyzing literature positions, descriptive method and analysis of existing data were used.

Taking into account the perspective of economic security, it can be concluded that this means a relatively low degree of dependence of the Polish economy on foreign capital in the form of direct foreign investments. It causes that in periods of deteriorating economic situation on the global market or in the period of international economic crises, when the size of global flows of foreign direct investments are significantly reduced, these phenomena do not cause significant implications for the economic growth dynamics in Poland.
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