An analysis of the changes of employment in industry


Industry is one of the most important segments of the national economy. The changes, which take place affect the business aspect of the labor market, and more specifically the employment of people in specific industry sectors. It can significantly influence on the way and the number of employment of people in the industry, so, therefore, it was purposeful to analye whether there were significant changes in the number of employees in selected industry sectors. The aim of the paper was to analyse the basic statistical data from the Central Statistical Office in Poland if there were any changes of employment in the main industry sectors in Poland. The sectors that were analyzed were mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities. The research methodology was the analysis of trends from data from the period 2012–2017 (no data after 2017) from a reliable source, i.e. the Central Statistical Office in Poland. It was concluded that the important changes in the number of employment of people in the main industry sectors could be observed as evidenced by, among others, by the trends. The results of the analysis can be the basis for assessing the economic situation in the analyzed industry sector, and also to make next analyses targeted on the analysis of causes the trends in employed area in selected industry sectors in Poland.
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