Accessibility Declaration

Rzeszów University of Technology is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website in accordance with the Act of April 4, 2019, on digital accessibility of public sector websites and mobile applications.

This accessibility declaration applies to the website

Website publication date:

Last significant update date:

Digital Accessibility Status

The website is partially compliant with the annex to the Act of April 4, 2019, on digital accessibility of public sector websites and mobile applications due to the non-compliances or exclusions listed below.

Main Non-Compliances or Exclusions

  • The focus order works correctly in most areas but is unnatural or confusing in some sections.
  • Not all downloadable documents are fully digitally accessible.
  • Most images have alternative text, but some images (e.g., decorative ones) may lack it.
  • The size of downloadable files is not provided.

Preparation and Updates of the Accessibility Declaration

Date of preparation of the declaration:

The declaration was prepared based on a self-assessment.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

Feedback and Contact Information

All accessibility-related issues regarding this website should be reported to Anna Szczepek: email or by phone +48 17 743 2217.

Everyone has the right to request digital accessibility of this website or its elements.

When submitting such a request, please provide:

  • your name,
  • your contact details (e.g., phone number, email),
  • the exact address of the webpage containing the inaccessible element or content,
  • a description of the issue and the preferred solution.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, no later than within 7 days of receiving it.

If this deadline is too short, we will inform you and specify a new deadline by which we will fix the reported issues or provide information in an alternative way. This new deadline will not exceed 2 months.

If we are unable to provide digital accessibility to the requested part of the website, we will propose an alternative way to access it.

Handling Requests and Complaints Regarding Accessibility

If we refuse to ensure the requested digital accessibility and the requester disagrees with this decision, they have the right to file a complaint.

The right to file a complaint also applies if the requester disagrees with the proposed alternative way of access provided in response to the request.

Complaints should be submitted by post or email to the accessibility coordinator at Rzeszów University of Technology:

  • Artur Majcher,
  • address: Rzeszów University of Technology, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów,
  • email:

Helpful information can be found on the Polish government portal

You can also inform the Ombudsman and request their intervention in the reported matter.

Additional Information

Mobile Applications

Rzeszów University of Technology provides access to the Mobile USOS application:

Architectural Accessibility

Detailed description of the architectural adaptation of Rzeszów University of Technology buildings.

Communication and Information Accessibility

Most buildings are equipped with induction loops used during educational activities for people with hearing impairments.