The heat transfer coefficient calculations of internal combustion engine fuelled with natural gas


współczynnik przenikania ciepła
silniki spalinowe
ciśnienie w cylindrze

How to Cite

Przybyła, G., Postrzednik, S., & Żmudka, Z. (2015). The heat transfer coefficient calculations of internal combustion engine fuelled with natural gas. Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 32(291 (1), 71-80.


In this paper the calculations of heat transfer coefficient in the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine fuelled with natural gas is presented. The mean value of heat transfer coefficient has been calculated using Woschni and Nusselt equation and compared with results obtained using algorithm based on experimental data. The proposed algorithm can be helpful to determine the average values of heat transfer coefficient from working medium to the combustion chamber walls (crown of a cylinder head, cylinder walls and piston head) during combustion process. The calculation method includes modified one zone heat release model in combustion chamber of SI engine. Proposed method is based on the energy balance equation closed by the coefficient which expresses the heat losses to the walls of the combustion chamber.


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