Optimal Airfoil Selection for Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blades: A Multi-Criteria Approach


wind energy
airfoil selection
horizontal axis wind turbine blades
multi-criteria approach

How to Cite

Batu, T., Lemu, H. G., Negash, B., Beyene, E., Tirfe, D., Hailemichael, E., & Alemneh, S. (2024). Optimal Airfoil Selection for Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blades: A Multi-Criteria Approach. Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 41(1), 57-68. https://doi.org/10.7862/rm.2024.6


Over the last century, the growing demand for clean energy has emphasized wind energy as a promising solu-tion to address contemporary energy challenges. Within the realm of wind energy, the wind turbine plays a pivotal role in harnessing the kinetic energy of the wind and converting it into electrical power. Among the various components of the wind turbine system, turbine blades assume a critical role in capturing the wind's kinetic energy and converting it into rotational motion. Consequently, the design of wind turbine blades holds the utmost importance in determining the overall performance and efficiency of the entire wind turbine system. One essential aspect of blade design involves selecting an appropriate airfoil. Throughout history, numerous airfoil profiles have been developed for various applications. Notably, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) airfoils have been tailored for aircraft and large-scale wind turbine blades, respectively. However, the quest for suitable airfoil types for small-scale wind turbine blades has been ongoing. This study delves into an examination of over 62 distinct NACA and NREL aerofoil types tailored for small horizontal-axis wind turbine blades. Employing specialized software, namely QBlade, specifically designed for modeling and simulating wind turbine blades, the study calculates key parameters such as power output, stress, deformation, and weight for each airfoil. Subsequently, based on the simulated data, the optimal airfoil is identified using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) multi-criteria selection approach. This selection process takes into account simulation results pertaining to power output, stress, deformation, and weight. The decision-making process involving multiple criteria is facilitated using Excel and Python. The findings of this study reveal that among the 62 airfoil types under consideration, the NACA 0024, NACA 2424, and NACA 4424 airfoils emerge as the most suitable choices for small horizontal-axis wind turbine blades.



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