Production Plant Layout Planning Supported by Selected CAx Tools and Artificial Intelligence


production plant
layout planning
artificial intelligence
manufacturing system

How to Cite

Wdowik, R., & Bełzo, A. (2025). Production Plant Layout Planning Supported by Selected CAx Tools and Artificial Intelligence. Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 42(1), 89-100.


The paper presents production plant layout planning techniques on the basis of selected Digital Tools (DTs) utilization including generative artificial intelligence (AI). The authors studied possible techniques that can be used in production plant planning and researched their implementations on the basis of three defined production cells and lists of machine tools assigned to each cell. The usage of 2D and 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software tools such as LibreCAD and FreeCAD was studied. The CAD software was applied for the design of layout using traditional CAD modelling procedures and also by the AI support. Moreover, MatlabTM software usage was presented as an alternative planning solution. It demonstrated opportunities resulting from automated code creation in the ChatGPTTM. The ChatGPTTM and Visual Studio CodeTM were applied as tools supporting the AI-assisted layout design methodology. The performed study revealed that artificial intelligence support and utilization of DTs may contribute to the production plant planning process by the collaborative implementation of various software DTs.


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