Elastomeric materials are used in the methods of plastic forming of sheets made of difficult-to-deform materials. This article presents the results of strength tests of selected elastomeric materials intended for sheet metal stamping. Polyurethane elastomers with a hardness of 50, 70 and 90 Sh A were used for the tests. The behaviour of the materials was determined in a simple compression test, a volumetric compression test and a uniaxial tensile test. In the case of the simple compression test, the values of the maximum force for a set punch travel of 3 mm were 1400 N, 2250 N and 4950 N for samples with hardnesses of 50, 70 and 90 Sh A, respectively. In a volumetric compression test, the maximum compressive force for a sample with a hardness of 90 Sh A was more than twice lower than the compressive force of samples with a hardness of 50 and 70 Sh A. In the tensile tests, the values of the obtained strains ranged from about 750% for the sample with a hardness of 50 Sh A to about 1350% for the sample with a hardness of 90 Sh A.
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