Effect of gear surface preparation on the value of residual stresses determined by the X-ray diffraction method
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X-ray diffraction
residual stress
gear wheels
electroerosive cutting
surface layer

How to Cite

Fularski, R., Ochał, K., & Filip, R. (2022). Effect of gear surface preparation on the value of residual stresses determined by the X-ray diffraction method. Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 37(92), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.7862/rm.2020.05


The toothed wheels of aircraft gears are characterized by a high reliability factor, required due to the area of ​​application, dynamic nature of work and transmitted power. During the entire life cycle, the tooth flanks and the areas of their bases are exposed to damage due to various stress states occurring during the meshing and the period when the individual teeth of the mating gears are not in contact with each other. The concentration of these stresses, related to e.g. with the accuracy of the teeth, may lead to various types of defects, such as: "pitting", crushing, scrap, interference damage, abrasions, tears, chipping, seizure or overheating. Therefore, the gears are subject to, inter alia, residual stress tests using the X-ray diffraction method, for which the measurement procedure and preparation of the test material is problematic due to limited or impossible direct access to the required measurement areas. This article describes two methods of sample preparation for residual stress tests with the use of an X-ray diffractometer equipped with a chromium lamp. The scope of the research included: electrolytic polishing and electroerosive cutting. Prepared samples of gears representing the considered methods were subjected to a series of measurements on the test stand, and the obtained stress values, representing their states in the surface layer, were analyzed. The impact of both methods of gear preparation on the value of residual stresses in the top layer of gear teeth was compared and it was shown that the type of treatment used during sample preparation has an impact on the values ​​of residual stresses.

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