Influence of casting parameters on fatigue properties of the ŻS6U-WI alloy


fatigue properties
compressor turbine blades

How to Cite

Tomczak, A. (2022). Influence of casting parameters on fatigue properties of the ŻS6U-WI alloy. Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 38(93), 53-64.


The hot parts of aircraft engines are made of nickel-based superalloys and work in extremely difficult conditions. The compressor blades mentioned in the article are usually produced by a casting process whose parameters have a great influence on the fatigue properties of the end product. The parameters of the casting process have significant influence on the microstructure, i.e. phase components morphologies. The article presents the results of the analysis of microstructures of nickel superalloys and the influence of casting parameters on the fatigue strength of finished products. The casting parameters were selected experimentally. The work included analysis of the microstructure of semifinished products and high-cyclic fatigue strength tests of the final product.


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