This article assesses the tribological performance of new composite tool sets for stamping dies. Four sets of composite countersamples were tested. These consisted of polyurethane resin with mineral filler (base variant) and modified with aluminium powder (10wt%) and roving fabric (5wt%). Strip samples for the strip drawing tests were cut from AMS5599 (Inconel 625) corrosion-resistant nickel alloy, AMS5510 (321) corrosion and heat-resistant steel and AMS6061-T4 heat treatable aluminium alloy sheet metals. The influence of the type of sample material on the coefficient of friction (COF) was observed. The smallest values of the COF over the entire range of clamping force values used on AMS5599 and AMS5510 sheets were observed during tests with countersamples made of the base variant of composite. When testing the AMS6061-T4 aluminium alloy sheet, the countersamples modified with roving fabric provided the lowest value of COF, which stabilised at a value of about 0.197 as pressure was increased.
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