HSS-okładka-30-2023-04 - part II


green consumer
green marketing
green product
Theory of Planned Behaviour
perceived green purchase control


Sustainable development is becoming a subject of global discussion. Behaviors towards the purchase of eco-friendly products may help protect the environment and reduce the adverse effects of consumption. This article aims to provide a deeper understanding of the predictors of green purchase behavior, and, in particular, to explain the role of perceived green purchase control in shaping the intention to purchase a green product. The theoretical approach is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. An empirical study was carried out among 650 Polish purchasers of green products; data were collected using an online survey. The research clarifies how perceived green purchase control affects the intention to purchase a green product. Intentions are positively and strongly correlated with attitudes and subjective norms. On the other hand, the relationship with perceived green purchase control is relatively weak, yet statistically significant. This study provides valuable knowledge on the factors clarifying purchasers’ behavior towards green products. It aids understanding of the importance of barriers to green product purchases and the formulation of marketing strategies to narrow the gap between positive attitudes and behavior, and trigger the effect of switching to green versions of products.


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