

public management
supervision over the self-government of attorneys-at-law
opposition to registration on the list of attorneys-at-law
access to practicing the profession of an attorney-at-law, decentralization


Public management is a discipline of science derived from management, legal, and political sciences. It addresses activities that ensure effective management of organized action of people aimed at creating public value and realizing the public interest in the process of rendering public services. One form of public management is ministry supervision over the professional self-government of attorneys-at-law, ensuring legality and serving the public good. One essential means of supervision in this area is opposition by the Ministry of Justice to a resolution of the council of a district chamber of attorneys-at-law on registration on the list of attorneys. Using the methods of dogmatic analysis and a jurisprudence survey, the author presents the ways of interpreting the legal provisions concerning the subject-matter opposition and the evolution of opinions formulated in this respect over the last few dozen years. The article aims to show how a strict interpretation of the concrete rights of a supervising organ influences the restrictions on supervising interference in the sphere reserved for the competencies of professional self-government – an entity of its essence autonomous and independent.


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The judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 6.03.1992 II SA 1206/91, Orzecznictwo Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego (lata 1987-1993), Supplement to Nr 6/15 of “Radca Prawny”, 1994

The judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 26.01.1993 II SA 930/92

The judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal of 22.05.2001 K 37/00

The judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal of 19.04.2006 K 6/06

The judgement of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of 7.07.2006 VI SA/Wa 901/06

The judgement of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of 20.09.2006 VI SA/Wa 1150/06

The judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal of 8.11.2006 K 30/06

The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of 24.05.2007 II GSK 8/07

The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of 24.05.2007 II GSK 26/07

The resolution of 7 judges of the Supreme Administrative Court of 30.10.2007 II GPS 3/07

The judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal of 26.03.2008 K 4/07

The judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal of 14.12.2010 K 20/08

The judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal of 30.11.2011 K 1/10

The judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 26.04.2012 II GSK 478/11

The judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 20.07.2012 II GSK 2088/11

The resolution of 7 judges of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25.03.2013 II GPS 1/13

The judgement of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of 20.03.2014 VI SA/Wa 2661/13

The judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 22.05.2015 II GSK 2712/14

The judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 26.10.2017 II GSK 73/16