Beginnings of an application of art. 209 penal code in the penal code of 11 July 1932 and of 1969


The subject of this article was to show when the current Article 209 of the Criminal Code was applied for the first time and what changes took place in its application until 1969. In the article a number of judgments that have been issued since the introduction of the notion of non-alimony in the penal code in 1932 were discussed. It was also describedthe form of committing a crime of non-alimonyand the premises that should be fulfilled in order to be able to assign the perpetrator of a non-alimony offense; whether it was possible to assign a crime after fulfilling all the conditions currently in force to one parent or both parents (in the case when the maintenance obligation was imposed). Differences in formulations such as, for example, malice persistence, and an inability to satisfy the basic life needs of the person for whom the maintenance obligation was pronounced, were assessed. The profiles of authors working on the codification of criminal law including the non-alimony offense before 1932 and in 1969were presented. It was shown who was involved in the crime of non-alimony and on whose behalf it could be committed. It was also presented the penalty for committing crimesin 1932. It was also cited which chapter remained unchanged from 1932 to 1982 (chapter on minors) repealed on October 26, 1982 after the introduction of the Youth Act.
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