
Training and improving employee knowledge plays an important role in every company. The process of personnel development is perceived as an investment and a basic management tool in the organization. The development of the training system and the selection of appropriate methods of their transfer in the field of occupational health and safety is a fundamental task of personnel departments. The issues in the safety areas are dealt with by specialists in such fields of science as philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, law, pedagogy, medicine and ergonomics.
In a mining company, the employee is exposed to natural, technical and personal hazards. The most frequent causes of accidents are personal hazards, the cause of which is in the uncontrolled muscular power and the gravity of the organism. However, the most serious consequences for the health and life of the employee are natural and technical hazards. Such accidents are connected with uncontrolled rock formation or worker’s contact with machines during the movement as well as electric shock. A separate group of threats is harmful factors occurring at workplaces that may cause occupational diseases.
The article attempts to assess the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition by employees for three different training methods. The analysis was based on the results of questionnaire surveys obtained during periodic training. Surveys were prepared for a group of workers employed at the position of a worker. It was proposed to compare the effectiveness of different training methods of employees by determining the percentage absorption rate of knowledge WW and the outflow rate of means of protection of individual WR. Test results and index values for individual measurement days are presented in tabular and graphical form.
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