
Funding information: International Visegrad Fund Grant Number IVF 22230264. This article presents the results of a survey conducted in the first half of 2023. A total of 812 questionnaires were obtained from current and potential consumers (individual and B2B) in the Visegrad countries. The survey’s goal was to find out how consumers perceive
and evaluate the quality and pro-ecological factors/challenges of the products of the electrical machinery industry, in the context of their declared personal purchases. Among other things, it sought to establish the actions consumers expect from manufacturers if they want to increase the market share of good-quality and environmentally friendly products. Improvements to the quality of products, with reductions in their negative environmental impact throughout their life cycle, were noticed most in Hungary and Poland. In all countries surveyed, consumers agreed most strongly with the statement that to increase the market share of good quality and environmentally friendly products, producers should enable recycling, disposal, and so on, and improve the availability of information.

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