
This article aims to analyze living conditions in Poland and Lithuania after theCOVID-19 pandemic, using Eurostat data for seven chosen indicators. The dynamics indices were used to examine the changes in the analyzed indicators over the studied period. Stepwise regression method was used to investigate the impact of the highlighted variables on GDP per capita. The indices allowed us to interpret whether there was a decrease or an increase in the variables throughout the analyzed period, as well as to compare the results for individual years. The results should help the authorities of the analyzed EU countries to make decisions regarding the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. The research shows that the GDP per capita variable is influenced by the inflation rate, people’s inability to “make ends meet,” and the share of people living in under-occupied dwellings. The dynamics of people at risk of poverty in Lithuania have increased by 1.5% since 2013. Based on the results for both Lithuania and Poland, the implementation of the main principles of the sustainable development goals, including the elimination of poverty and hunger, may be at risk. If the governments of these countries do not take decisive steps, the achievement of the SDGs by 2030 may be threatened.
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World Inequality Report, 2022. Access on the internet: