
This article presents an analysis of the behavior of Polish women in the banking services market. The empirical material is the results of surveys conducted among 1217 randomly selected Polish women. Using the collected and organized empirical material, developed in a descriptive, tabular, and graphical form, through the method of comparative analysis, the article estimates Polish women’s level of interest in basic banking products, and their preferred forms of payment. It determines the level of customer satisfaction with the current banking service (the product portfolio offered, service quality, and bank employees’ approaches to serving women). In addition, it examines the attitudes of Polish women to the need to create an offer dedicated to women and a bank that would serve only women. This confirms the research hypothesis that Polish women do not see the need to create a special bank for women, but they expect more interest from banks in providing them with an offer specially dedicated to women. The results presented in the article expand the state of knowledge about the behavior of Polish women in the banking services market.

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