
This paper presents power status in Asia and the Pacific region states – an issue that has a major impact on the international security of countries. To illustrate this, the study takes the period after the end of the Cold War, from 1992 to 2022. The purpose of the paper is to characterize the power status of the Asian and Pacific region countries based on synthetic power measures, adopting the powermetrics model of Professor Mirosław Sułek to calculate the power of states. The analysis proves that the most important role in international security is played by the countries known as superpowers and world powers, whose power enables the implementation of relevant strategic goals, especially in such an important region as Asia and the Pacific. In the coming decades, there is a high probability that China will gain the status of a superpower, while the US must fight to maintain its global position among the rapidly developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region, which in the game for power may take away some of Washington’s current advantage.
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