
The globalization process, IT revolution, and technological progress in most industrial branches (e.g., pharmacy) have compelled businesses all over the world to adapt to survive. The role of human resources management has changed completely after the new needs of development induced by bringing in foreign labor employees. This paper presents the results of a study conducted in 2022 on employees of an international company. The study looks at how employees, with primarily technical backgrounds, from different countries and cultural backgrounds, develop specific social skills that allow them to efficiently communicate and perform with one another towards a common goal. For this reason, the study aimed to identify the opinions of employees and managers regarding the multicultural influence on outcomes in researched companies. The literature study, bibliometric analysis, a survey questionnaire, and structured interviews were used during the study. The employees pointed out that multicultural teams are more innovative and efficient, and they believe cultural diversity encourages growth and creativity but only if managed well. If not, it can lead to conflicts and a toxic work environment.

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