The axiological strenghtening of ethics in Józef Tischner's thoughts


It seems that values dominated Tischner’s thought, and the main issue that has been subject to reflection is an attempt to find the right choices from the ethical level and justification of actions. According to Tischner, values are strongly related to the human world, and moral imperatives refer only to the human world, not, for instance, to the animal world. The issue of meeting another human being is crucial in the philosophy of the Krakow philosopher because "axiological Self" has a different human being in their structure. The philosophy of Tischner is largely a result of reflection on the philosophy of dialogue.

The key purpose of this paper is a brief reflection on the world of values and ethical evaluations in the approach of Józef Tischner. The article is an attempt to approximate the basic concepts related to the ethics of the Krakow priest and philosopher. In the first part an origin of the word value, its borrowing from economic sciences and the key issues and questions related to this concept are briefly described The next part presents Tischner’s definition of ethics, which is slightly wider than the traditional approach. Next the key category of experiencing values as a meeting with another man and the key issues for Tischner’s: "axiological Self" and "agathological Self" were described. The article ends with a short summary and Tischner's words "nobody can be good in loneliness and no one can be necessarily good".
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