
The film industry in each country is referred to as "national cinematography". In Poland, very large changes in the cinematographic industry took place after 2005. This year, after many years of efforts, the Cinema Act regulating the financing of film production came into effect. Under the Act, it has been appointed Polish Film Institute, whose mission is to promote the development of various aspects of cinematography. The systemic framework of support for cinematography, particularly film production, is the source of tremendous interest in the Polish Film Institute and makes it the biggest player in the market. This study aims to demonstrate the development trends in Polish film production industry. Feature films co-financed by the Polish Film Institute (PISF) – the main authority in charge of public funding allocation for cinema-related endeavors in Poland – were the object of the study. The actual amounts of film budgets in Poland, the amount of co-financing and the number of films co-financed in a given year are analyzed. The article uses quantitative methods to characterize the size of the cinema market in Poland and case studies to show the problem more fully. Along with quantitative study analysis, this work employs the framework of production culture.
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Raport: Wsparcie podatkowe produkcji filmowej w Polsce, PWC, available at www.pisf/pwc

Raport: Dlaczego warto wspierać przemysł produkcji audiowizualnej, PWC, available at www.pisf/pwc