
Teams of police negotiators, who are summoned when there is a crisis situation, are very important in the police tactics. Their task is to establish verbal communication with the perpetrator of a crisis situation and to bring about a peaceful solution to the problem. It can therefore be assumed that the aim of the negotiations is to make the perpetrators or the perpetrator surrender, and in a situation where there is a real threat to the lives of people participating in a crisis situation to “buy time” to prepare the best opportunity for another tactical solution (e.g.: an assault). Police negotiations are treated as an alternative to enforcement solutions of crisis situations, such as the police forces’ storm without reconnaissance, police forces’ storm after reconnaissance or using snipers. The first full-time negotiation section in Poland was established in 1992. Two years later, it was assumed that sections of police negotiators would be created in each province. Currently, full-time negotiators serve in the Negotiation Section of the Operational Support Department of the Anti-Terrorist Operations Bureau of the General Police Headquarters of Poland, while non-permanent negotiation teams operate in each provincial headquarters and in the Warsaw Metropolitan Police Headquarters. 

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