
It cannot be denied that the difference in the fight against irregular forces, which results from the non-standard operation of these forces, as well as the role played by the civilian population in this fight, have a significant impact on the state’s definition of the conventions of its conduct. Many years of experience prove that the state’s struggle with irregular forces is not only a very complex issue, but also a particularly difficult one to implement. Against this background, this study focused on empirically examining the use of aircraft (and the goal of its use) in combat with irregular forces. It also assessed problems that arise in aviation combat with irregular forces, while offering insights on the use of aviation in the fight against irregular forces. The research used document research as well as quantitative and qualitative analysis as its methods, and a systematic review of scientific literature on the use of aviation in the fight against irregular forces was conducted. The results of the research show that the fight in question requires the armed forces’ use of aircraft/aviation in organized combat and non-combat operations. However, one should be aware that aviation has its specific attributes, and it should not be prioritized over other means of combat, as it is insufficient to defeat irregular forces in a short time, alone, or even jointly with other military components.
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