
This paper deals with the subject of the strength of the key world powers in the years 1992–2020. These include the G7 group and the Russian Federation, which was suspended from the group, and so far has not been authorized to resume meetings with the G7 group. In this period, after Russia’s exclusion, both regional and global rivalry grew in the world. This translated into the global imbalance of power and an overall geopolitical situation. In this paper, the author proposes a quantification of the power to measure power metrics. Based on the data from the World Bank and Military Balance, the general (economic), military and geopolitical potential of the Russian Federation, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Great Britain and the United States was developed. The model of Mirosław Sułek was applied to calculate the power, which reflects the objective reasons for changes in shaping the potential of the aforementioned countries. The purpose of this article was to determine the changes in the power of the G7 countries and the Russian Federation in the years 1992–2020. This translated into the international balance of power and the struggle for influence in the world.
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