An application of qualitative marketing studies in the identification of the consumer decision-making process. Effects and benefits


The goal of the article is to present the effects and benefits of qualitative marketing research using the In Depth Interview (IDI) method, whose object was to identify one of the key market aspects of consumer behavior, i.e. their decision-making process related to the purchase of a product. The process presented in the article concerned a specific group of products belonging to the interior design industry which is currently developing rapidly both in the world and in Poland. The article focuses on the effects and benefits of the author's original research, of a qualitative nature, carried out in 2019, using the IDI method among potential buyers of the abovementioned products, selected by means of targeted selection. An interview scenario with a medium degree of standardization and a voice recorder were used as measuring tools. The results of the research carried out, together with the results of the analysis of secondary sources, i.e. specialist literature and industry reports, were used in the process of designing the marketing strategy for the company that is the producer of the abovementioned products and are the basis for planned quantitative market research
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