Project management and planned cost accounting


The necessity of functioning in a volatile environment increases the interest of economic entities to organize work in the form of projects. The projects are, however, temporary, atypical, having limited budgets (including costs), and implemented by an interdisciplinary team. For this reason, project management is connected with the need for specific information, including financial information, which is used, among others, in the characteristic phases of the project life cycle, i.e. initiation (definition), planning, execution and closure. The purpose of the article is to indicate the possibility of using information provided by planned cost accounting in project management. The article defines and proposes, inter alia, what information resulting from planned cost accounting can be useful in project management, what conditions should be met in order to provide it, and an outline of the planned cost accounting model that could be implemented in the enterprises performing projects. The following research methods were used in the article: literature analysis, inductive and deductive inference. Based on the conducted research, it seems reasonable to state that properly adjusted planned cost accounting for the informational needs of project management may be a useful tool in supporting this process.
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