Benefits and disadvantages of adopting video recruitment


Well-conducted recruitment and selection process is extremely important for the organization, allowing an in-depth and objective verification of candidates in terms of meeting employer's expectations and leads to their employment. The objective of the following work is to present the benefits and disadvantages of adopting video recruitment in the recruitment and selection process. Qualitative research design was considered the most suitable for the purpose of the investigation. The paper considers the possibilities of including video recruitment in the recruitment and selection process. Two unquestionable benefits are: limiting the length of the process in time and a possibility to decrease the costs. In the following paper one of the significant disadvantage of video recruitment was poorly built candidate experience.

The recommendation for businesses embarking on developing their e-recruitment activity is to adopt the philosophy of a positive candidate experience and place it at the centre of their e-recruitment strategy. Prahalad and Krishnan (2008) spoke of the importance of the ecosystem and the “ecosystem mindset” that takes a holistic view of the whole e-recruitment network to appreciate the full scope of e-recruitment activity.
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