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urban beautification
urban development
landscaping and public amenities
urban gardening
landscape architecture

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Iuliia Sokolan, Nataliia Mashovets. URBAN PLANNING APPROACHES TO PLANNING THE BEAUTIFICATION SYSTEM OF RESIDENTIAL AREAS DURING THEIR RECONSTRUCTION. JCEEA [Internet]. 2024Mar.8 [cited 2025Mar.30];710:5-18. Available from: https://journals.prz.edu.pl/jceea/article/view/1621


The analysis of planning experience of inhabited localities urban beautification in view of reconstruction was undertaken in the article. The question of Ukrainian experience of urban beautification system in accordance with approved standards and State Constructional Standards was envisaged. Analysis of validation state of local documents in urban beautification field was carried out and it has shown deficient percentage of regulatory documents approval on local level, which is one of key issues of urban beautification development. Furthermore, detailed analysis of foreign experience of urban beautification planning and development trend of this system I such countries, as USA, Canada, France, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan was carried out. It is shown that first and critical stage of planning of effective urban beautification is preparing and approving corresponding certificates and standards. Emphasis added to functioning normative legal documents on issues relating to urban beautification, in accordance to which the territory reconstruction in mentioned countries is realized. It was established that reference direction of urban beautification development in mentioned countries lies in parking lots removing out of the borders of curtilage or underground parking arrangement, landscape gardening development and classification of such territories by levels of urban gardening, territory reconstruction in accordance with typical schemes of street infrastructure development, urban gardening, cycle paths, etc. It is shown that problem solution of habitable open grounds organization on city level resides in usage intensification of such territories, and on the level of residential compounds – in increasing exploitation properties of open grounds. As a result of undertaken analysis it was established that raised problem of increasing the effectiveness of residential area usage within residential areas imposes complex approach, including question of land development intensiveness, architectural and planning organization and open grounds beautification.

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