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Environmental Pollution
Air and Water Contamination
Global Climate Change
Industrial Pollution Analysis

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Galyna Kalda, Jolanta Krokos, Katarzyna Pietrucha-Urbanik. ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IN THE SUBCARPATHIAN PROVINCE. JCEEA [Internet]. 2024Mar.8 [cited 2024May5];710:19-1. Available from:


The work presents an examination of Poland's environmental condition, with a focus on the contamination of air and surface waters by various chemical elements. The composition and quality of the air impact ecosystems, plant growth, the animal kingdom, and shape human living conditions. These factors play a significant role in driving global climate change. The repercussions of air pollution encompass phenomena such as smog, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, as well as impacts on industrial and municipal facilities, contributing to global warming. The article conducts an analysis of air pollution, surface water contamination, and electromagnetic radiation pollution in Subcarpathian, utilizing the city of Stalowa Wola and the Stalowa Wola county as case studies. This choice is informed by the fact that Stalowa Wola stands as one of the largest industrial cities in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship, suggesting that environmental pollution levels in this county might surpass those in other regions. The article also delineates the features of air and surface water pollution, along with electromagnetic radiation characteristics. It scrutinizes pollution sources in the mentioned county, explicates the causes of such pollution, and proposes strategies for environmental amelioration.
The analysis of the environmental status of Stalowa Wola county during the years 2018 to 2020 is presented, accompanied by recommendations for initiatives that could enhance its condition. The research findings indicate that the condition of uniform segments of surface waters, as evaluated through conducted studies, is deemed poor. The discharge of wastewater from specific pollution points, particularly wastewater from municipal origins, emerges as the predominant cause of subpar water quality.
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