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water management
water policy
European water directives

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Irfan Ali. WATER LEGISLATION IN INDIA AS PRIORITY ASPECT OF WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. JCEEA [Internet]. 2024Oct.11 [cited 2025Mar.30];710:47-6. Available from: https://journals.prz.edu.pl/jceea/article/view/1795


Effective water resource management is contingent on sound water legislation, which plays a crucial role in shaping worldwide water management strategies. The objective of this review is to analyze water policies and legislation in India, and pinpoint issues in water policy implementation and management. Additionally, the review includes an examination of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) to explore the differences between European water legislation assumptions and water management, which can aid in adapting certain EU assumptions to Indian legislation. India faces urgent water-related problems due to inadequate water resource management in individual states and nationwide, which can be mitigated by implementing coherence in water policies and collaborating with policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders from various economic sectors to enhance water governance strategies. Comparative analysis revealed that the European Water Framework Directive adopts a more specific and integrated approach, supported by precise legal regulation, wide-ranging stakeholder involvement, and investments in technology and infrastructure to achieve its set water management goals. In contrast, the Indian water legislation framework lacks a systemic approach, and the main gap lies in the inconsistency between national and state water legislation and the lack of proper coordination between the state and central governments. Unifying legal regulations at the national and state levels in cooperation with responsible legislative and executive institutions at appropriate governmental levels can help solve water management problems and achieve set goals.

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