Some details related to the preparation of your papers are given below.
Your submission text can be delivered using a Microsoft Word template (please use Microsoft Word 2019 or higher) or LaTeX template.
AITEE - Template
AITEE - LaTeX Template
During the submission process, besides the doc version of your submission, please prepare and submit also a pdf final version of your paper. In the case of LaTeX submissions, only pdf file is expected. Upon the acceptance of the paper, you will be asked to send other necessary files.
Please prepare some basic information linked to the paper title, authors’ names and their affiliations as well as the details about the corresponding author. This should be done following the requirements provided in the journal template. Please remember to fill in the information in the header (authors’ N. Surname(s) on even-numbered pages, paper title on odd-numbered pages except for the first page). Please do not include page numbers in the footer and do not include line numbers.
Your paper should be divided into sections and subsections. Depending on the topic considered please feel free to use as many sections and subsections as needed. While doing so remember to use appropriate formatting requirements and avoid subsections that consist of several sentences.
It is proposed to include graphics files done as vector graphics. If this is not possible, please use bitmap files saved as .png files with a resolution of 300 dpi. Please make sure that all the details visible in your picture are delivered with the desired resolution. Each figure should contain successive number and description. It should be clear and concise. Remember that in the text you should give at least one reference per each figure presented in the paper. The description and content of the figures should be given in English. However, in case you are willing to provide us with the description in Polish feel free to do so. The members of our Editorial Staff are eager to help you with translation.
For doc files when you want to include equation, please use a Microsoft Word built-in equations editor.
In the section Literature, you can add literature references along with the required bibliographic information. Successive items on this list are added with automatic Arabic numbers and should be lined up in the order they appear in the paper text. We use IEEE citation style, where there is no need to mention an author's name, used pages and publication year in the in-text citation. The source is referred to using a number in a square bracket, e.g. [1]. The number should correspond to the full citation which can be found on the reference list. In the text, the reference numbers are given in brackets as follows:
- single citation: [1],
- multiple citations: [2-4, 6] with the order,
- if you need to use the author’s name in the text please do it as follows: Miller in [6] proposed …
Please use the Latin alphabet in references. If the title of a paper/book is given in Polish, Russian, Chinese, etc., then please write (in Polish – see [4]) or (in Russian) at the end of the translated title.
In case you refer to a reference or citation included in your paper or papers published by other authors in our journal in the past or future, please remember that its official name is Advances in IT and Electrical Engineering and this is the only official name.
Usually, the most common types of papers accepted for publication in Advances in IT and Electrical Engineering are full papers (10–15 pages) and also short papers (up to 6 pages). Each page contains ~300-400 words. All submitted papers are reviewed by at least two reviewers and we use a single-blind review policy. The scope of the journal refers to:
- electrical engineering,
- automation control,
- electronics and telecommunication,
- power engineering,
- computer engineering and its applications to the above-mentioned fields.
Our preference is for papers written in English, however, if you want to publish a paper written in Polish, please feel free to contact the Editor to provide us with some arguments supporting your point of view. Please use British English or American English but avoid mixing them in one paper. It is recommended to use some advice from someone who provides professional language editing services or is a native speaker.
Papers submitted to AITEE after acceptance will be checked by build-in an anti-plagiarism program.