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BLDC motors
BLDC motor control system
sensorless control methods
classic motor control methods


The article presents the working principles and construction of a brushless DC motor. The BLDC motor control methods were discussed, including the division into methods using sensors for determining the rotor position and sensorless methods with an example of implementing BLDC motor control using microcontrollers. High efficiency and high durability as well as falling prices of electronic components and controllers cooperating with BLDC motors in recent years have caused a growing interest in this type of motors. The design of BLDC motors does not require the use of brushes, which in traditional brush motors supply voltage through the commutator to the rotor windings. Brushless motors are characterized by high efficiency, durability and reliability. The use of sensors in BLDC motor control systems increases the number of motor and commutator connections, thereby reducing the reliability of the drive system. For this reason, direct position and speed measurements are often abandoned for the use of sensorless control methods. DC brushless motors have various application areas, and due to their reliability and the ability to control speed, they are used, among others, in electric vehicles, medicine and industry.
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