The article considers the assumption of the use of the concept of the market in the study of the political and electoral sphere of a transitive society. Despite the wide application of this concept, especially in the CIS countries, an unambiguous idea of it from the authors did not work out. The article under this term is understood firstly, the society of post-totalitarian development in its transition to democracy, and secondly, the Eastern European states as a society of a special historical destiny due to their geographical location between Europe and Asia. One of the main paradigms of the knowledge of such a society is the concept of a political market, exploring socio-political processes in the form of updating market interactions of policy actors. The author of the article considers the hypothesis of the political market as a kind of scientific metaphor to be the key to the study of transitive societies. He tries to prove that market metaphorisation is an important tool in building a new scientific approach in the field of political marketing. From the content of the article it follows that, in the epistemological aspect, the category of the political market is a completely permissible scientific abstraction. Ontologically, this abstraction contains a completely tangible objective content: parties and politicians - suppliers, voters - buyers, mass media - intermediaries, and elections - the exchange of values.
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