
The article is an attempt to show the role of the underground garrison of the Home Army in Rzeszów during the German occupation of 1939-1944. The garrison's preparations and tasks related to the general uprising plan in the Union of Armed Struggle-the Home Army Inspectorate of Rzeszów were reconstructed. The main tasks resulting from the planned mobilization and so-called reconstruction of the armed forces were also presented, i.e. some attempts to form regular Polish Army troops referring to the tradition from before September 1939. The detailed arrangements for the Rzeszów garrison resulting from orders of the Supreme Commander from London were described, but also national command structures of the Home Army which also included the reconstruction of barracks and other military institutions and facilities. The organization and structure of the underground Rejuvenation Commission of Supplements, quartermaster services as well as garrison hospitals were presented. The authors assessed the mobilization, but also the combat opportunities, of the HA Inspectorate of Rzeszów as a part of the general uprising and later the „Burza” campaign. The text also provides a description of the real state of reconstruction of the armed forces and formation of the so-called large units of the Home Army - infantry divisions, cavalry brigades, infantry regiments - on the basis of regular military units in the summer of 1944. The issue of the armed disclosure of the Home Army forces in September 1944 was also discussed, which referred to the plan for the reconstruction of the armed forces.

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