
It is assumed that regional smart specialisations are a good tool for regional structural transformations, hence the need to provide some insight into how they function. Therefore, the aim of this article is as follows: to provide information on the nature, scope and grounds for the development of regional smart specialisations, with special emphasis on agribusiness. In discussing these issues, the following points are presented: the nature and objectives of regional smart specialisations, the foundations of regional smart specialisations in agribusiness and their analysis, taking selected Polish voivodships as examples. The basis for this article was provided by data processing methods, i.e. analysis and synthesis, and logical inference methods, in particular induction. The examination carried out shows that Poland lacks both a systemic approach to the preparation of smart strategies in voivodships and a sufficient diagnosis of conditions when such strategies are being devised, treating them as a financial assistance instrument or an obligation to implement the EU policy in this regard. The scope of smart specialisations of voivodships covers different areas, mostly economic but also environmental and social spheres, especially if these are interrelated as exemplified by agribusiness. In all voivodships, there are smart specialisations in agribusiness, yet they generally concern sustainable agriculture and environmentally sustainable food processing.
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