The bonding technology application in busses construction
PDF (Polish)


bonding technology, adhesive joint, adhesive, bus

How to Cite

Kasperek, D., & Rudawska, A. (2017). The bonding technology application in busses construction. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 98(4), 42-46. Retrieved from


Adhesive joints are one of the types of joints used during the assembly process of assembling buses, in addition to welded, riveted and bolted joints. This paper presents issues concerning the application of adhesive technology in the construction of buses. The types of joining materials not only the same materials, but also dissimilar were indicated. The use of bonding applies not only to joining the different elements of equipment buses (internal components), but also a number of structural elements, which are essential elements of the construction of the bus. An important aspect of the bonding process is the type of adhesive and other adhesive materials. Depending on the requirements, performance, type of adherends, and other factors the various types of adhesives were used. The paper presents an example of the use of bonding in the buses construction, the types of adherends and the type and recommended properties of adhesive materials.

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