Increasing the precision of the hydrocylinder deep hole’s machining based on simulations of the errors formation process
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faceting pattern, boring error, boring process computer modeling, boring process mathematical modeling

How to Cite

Gorelova, A., & Kristal, M. (2017). Increasing the precision of the hydrocylinder deep hole’s machining based on simulations of the errors formation process. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 96(2), 28-32. Retrieved from


A new mathematical model is proposed where faceting pattern formation is treated as a consequence of the hole’s axis technologically inherited straightness error. The analysis of the model allowed to establish that the straightness error delta of the hole’s axis primarily determines the faceting pattern formation process. Theoretical assumptions are in agreement with the results of computer modeling of the shape formation during the finish boring of the crane boom extension hydrocylinder. An improved method for errors minimization is developed.

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