The analysis of the surface energy properties of adhesive compositions dedicated to the weld-bonded joints
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surface free energy, contact angel, epoxy adhesives, hybrid joints

How to Cite

Krawczuk, A., & Domińczuk, J. (2017). The analysis of the surface energy properties of adhesive compositions dedicated to the weld-bonded joints. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 96(2), 61-63. Retrieved from


 The paper presents the results of measurements of surface free energy for adhesive compositions created in order to provide the appropriate conditions for filling gaps in the hybrid joints, such as weld-bonded joints. Presented in the paper analysis of polar and non-polar components of surface free energy for the studied adhesives was used to determine the ability of the adhesive to wet the surface. The basis for determining the value of surface free energy were measurements of the contact angle by selected adhesive substances on the material with a specific energy state of the surface layer. Based on this analysis, it was possible to classify the composition according to the energy properties conducive to the process of wetting the surface of the joined materials.

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