The analysis of selected properties of advesives with nanofillers
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structural adhesives, glass transition temperature, thermal conductivity, nanoparticles

How to Cite

Ciecińska, B., & Kubit, A. (2017). The analysis of selected properties of advesives with nanofillers. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 95(1), 34-38. Retrieved from


The paper presents the results of experimental research, which the goal was to assess the impact of nanofillers added to the Epidian 57/PAC composition on the glass transition temperature and thermal conductivity. The glass transition temperature after addition of nanopowder SiO2 in an amount 2% and 5% increases of 1,28% and 2,43%. Addition of the nanopowder Al2O3 was the reason of the temperature increasing of app. 18,3 and 21% in an amount 2 i 5 %, for the carbon nanotubes in amount 5% – the increase was of app. 16,5%. On the other hand the highest increase of thermal conductivity (app. 10,5%) was achieved for Epidian 57/PAC composition with carbon nanotubes in an amount of 5%. Modification by adding of nanopowder MgAl2O4 in an amount 8% was the reason of the thermal conductivity decrease of app. 15%.

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