Analysis of the surface after hydro-abrasive cutting of metal sandwich structure
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waterjet” technology, adhesive joints, surface layer

How to Cite

Kłonica, M., Kuczmaszewski, J., & Pieśko, P. (2016). Analysis of the surface after hydro-abrasive cutting of metal sandwich structure. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 93(3), 50-55. Retrieved from


The paper presents selected results of the surface quality measurements after cutting the samples bonded using different epoxy adhesives. From the point of view of efficiency of assembly processes, it is important that these surfaces do not require additional operations such as deburring or finishing operations. Materials were adhesive disc: 316L steel and Ti6Al4V titanium alloy. The test materials were bonded in conventional lap joint and in a “sandwich” in the different variants. The cutting process was realized with the use of “waterjet” technology under variable speed vf. The article presents the results of research on the value of surface free energy and selected parameters of surface roughness of bonded materials, shows the topography of the surface created by the intersection of the materials to be joined, and the angle of the bevel surface after cutting by jet of water and abrasive. Conclusions from the tests are presented at the final stage of the paper.

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