Impact testing of adhesive joints with a dedicated pendulum hammer
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adhesive joint
impact strength
pendulum hammer

How to Cite

Komorek, A., & Przybyłek, P. (2016). Impact testing of adhesive joints with a dedicated pendulum hammer. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 93(3), 56-60. Retrieved from


Impact test of adhesive joints are usually conducted using modified equipment for the implementation of other strength tests. The exception is the impact test of samples subjected to cleavage loading carried out using the drop hammer. Execution of tests on the modified device is limited due to the specificity arising from their construction. Authors of the article who deal with the issues of impact strength have conducted technical consultations and commissioned the execution of a dedicated device for testing the impact strength of adhesive joints in the block and single lap samples. The device was made at the Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom. The article presents the preliminary results of impact strength of adhesive joints tests executed using the supplied device. In the tests were tested the block and single lap joints made using the adhesive composition Epidian 57/Z1. The adherends were made of aluminum alloy 2017A. Tests of block samples were carried out according to the Standard ISO 9653, while tests of lap joints according to our own technique. The results indicate the usefulness of the device for research impact strength of adhesive joints. Dispersion of impact strength results for block samples is similar to that achieved during tests performed using the modified pendulum. Fixing of sample in a holder is easy and secure, as confirmed by the analysis of the recordings of tests completed ultrahigh speed video camera. Design of the handle for testing of block sample allows for precise adjustment of the distance of the impactor from the adhesive layer, which is essential for the quality of the results. 

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