The influence of the mechanical surface treatment on the stainless steel sheets bonded joints strength
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adhesive joints, strength, mechanical treatment

How to Cite

Rudawska, A., Ściuba, N., & Stanćeková, D. (2016). The influence of the mechanical surface treatment on the stainless steel sheets bonded joints strength. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 92(2), 53-57. Retrieved from


The article shows a fragment of the studies related to the mechanical surface treatment of stainless steel sheet surfaces for bonding. The samples of single lap bonded joints were tested. The stainless steel sheet surfaces were prepared by mechanical treatment using grinding tools of varoius grain size (P120, P320, P500) and by degreasing using the Loctite 7063 agent degreasing. Loctite Hysol 9466 A&B two-component epoxy adhesive was used for preparing bonded joints. The surface roughness measurements, strength tests was carried out in the experimental studies and statistical analysis the research results was made. On the basis of the analysis of the test results, it was found that the greatest strength of the bonded joints is obtained after treatment with P120 grinding tool, meanwhile the least – after using P500 grinding tool. Carried out statistical analysis has allowed to find that after P120 and P320 grinding tools treatment is a lack of statistically signifiant differences between the values of the strength on the accepted confidence alfa = 0.05. In addition, it was also noted that with increasing surface roughness, also the strength of the bonded joints was increased.

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