The inlfuence of composite structures constructive and technological parameters on dimensional chains synthesis
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Size and Accuracy Analysis, Spatial Dimensional Chain, PCM Construction

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ПасечниkВ. А., & Хмуренко, А. А. (2016). The inlfuence of composite structures constructive and technological parameters on dimensional chains synthesis. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 91(1), 5-12. Retrieved from


Approaches of size and accuracy analysis are relevant and universal for complex of ensure constructions at their assembly accuracy and interchangeability tasks decisions. Such approaches are usually based on dimensional chains (DC) theory apparatus, which is sufficiently developed, but, has a number of unsolved problems, such as polymer composites materials (PCM) geometrical parameters accuracy calculation. Difficulty arises applying above theory, both on DC formation and synthesis stage and on analysis and calculation subsequent stage. There is also a number of assumptions, which simplifies analysis of metallic constructions, but makes significant errors for PCM settlement.

This paper presents an analysis of formation and synthesis procedures for spatial DC (SDC) and all kinds of heterogeneous materials (including PCM), which showed unreasonableness of using “classical” methods and needs to clarify, on issue of taking into account PCM parts constructive-technological specifics parameters. Different approaches in composite constructions SDC model representation, among which the best approach has been defined, in which geometry of model is a structure of related coordinate systems of constructions parts. This approach allows to take into account the complex PCM structure as possible representation of their subsystems individual structures. Also take into account specific technological factors on PCM production stages and construction assembly stages.

Proposed approach involves the use of general structure model decomposition, which simplifies construction, and makes SDC model universal. Proposed method allows to build effective PCM structures models, designs to perform SDC formation and synthesis procedures, as well as further SDC analysis.

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