Using drones and artificial intelligence to assess damage in aircraft assembly joints


artificial intelligence, image recognition, drones, defects detection

How to Cite

Kubik, F., & Krysiak, M. (2024). Using drones and artificial intelligence to assess damage in aircraft assembly joints. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 124(2), 47-53.


Rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in recent years has created new opportunities to address the growing challenges in the aviation industry. Machine learning and Deep Learning, particularly through Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have advanced image recognition capabilities, enhancing inspection processes possibilities. This paper explores the integration of AI with drones to improve the precision, efficiency, and speed of inspections of airframe emphasizing the necessity of accurate equipment preparation and precise operational planning. The study demonstrates how AI algorithms can process high-resolution images and sensor data to identify and classify defects. The motivation for this paper is to address the critical need for more efficient inspection methods in aviation, driven by the industry's increasing demand for higher repair process throughput and stringent safety standards.


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