Analysis of the influence of turning parameters of CUZN39PB3 and AW 6060 materials on surface roughness


turning, non-ferrous metals, surface roughness

How to Cite

Tomczewski, L., & Muszyńska-Pałys, J. (2022). Analysis of the influence of turning parameters of CUZN39PB3 and AW 6060 materials on surface roughness. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 116(2), 8-14.


The article presents an analysis of the turning parameters of two non-ferrous materials. The tested materials were: brass CuZn39Pb3 and aluminum alloy AW 6060. A Kyocera turning knife and a WNMG 080404 AH plate were used to make the samples. Three parameters were tested: rotational speed, feed and depth of cut at three levels of variability. The roughness parameters Ra and Rz were selected for the analysis. On the basis of the obtained results, it was shown that the feed used during machining has the greatest influence on roughness, while the change of depth or cutting speed does not cause significant differences in roughness.

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