Comparative analysis of compressive strength of regenerative masses made from epoxy adhesive compoundsrfaces roughness of flat ceramic elements after lapping

How to Cite

Ogrodniczek, J., Rudawska, A., Müller, M., & Stančeková, D. (2021). Comparative analysis of compressive strength of regenerative masses made from epoxy adhesive compoundsrfaces roughness of flat ceramic elements after lapping . Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 112(2), 8-12. Retrieved from


The aim of this paper is to analyse statistically the compressive strength of two epoxy regenerative masses with different properties, which were subjected to the same three seasoning conditions. The first epoxy adhesive compound contained Epidian 5 epoxy resin mixed in mass ratio 100:80 with PAC curing agent, while the second epoxy adhesive compound consisted of Epidian 5 epoxy resin mixed in mass ratio 100:10 with Z-1 curing agent. The epoxy adhesive compounds were subjected to three seasoning variants. The first seasoning variant was carried out under normal conditions, at a temperature of 29°C ± 1°C and at humidity of 20% ± 1%, for 1 week. The other variants of seasoning were performed in a climate chamber at a temperature of 80°C and humidity of 95%. The seasoning period in the climate chamber was continued for 4 or 6 weeks, depending on the variant. The obtained compressive strength results of both epoxy adhesive compounds were analysed statistically. The mean compressive strength values of the tested compounds differed significantly for particular variants. In order to obtain a precise statistical analysis, the ANOVA was used, which allowed to compare the results with regard to the seasoning variants for a given epoxy adhesive compound. The analysis showed a lack of similarity between variants of seasonings of epoxy adhesive compound consisting of Epidian 5 epoxy resin and PAC curing agent. In the case of compound made up of Epidian 5 epoxy resin and Z-1 curing agent, the ANOVA showed a very high similarity of compressive strength with respect to the compared seasoning variants.

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