Analysis of the feasibility of replacing fabric skin in half-shell structural designs


aircraft, fabric skin, composite material skin, fatigue testing, strain measurement

How to Cite

Tkaczuk, S., Leszczyński, P., & Dąbrowski, J. (2021). Analysis of the feasibility of replacing fabric skin in half-shell structural designs. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 114(4), 3-8. Retrieved from


One of the many issues associated with aircraft operations is that of structural designs with fabric skin. As one of the solutions addressing these problems, this paper proposes replacing the existing fabric skin with a new covering made of a composite material. The object of analysis available to the authors was a horizontal stabilizer of Mi-2 helicopter. This paper presents the results of fatigue tests applied to the thin-walled structure of the horizontal stabilizer, carried out under two scenarios: (I) with the fabric skin removed and (II) with the composite material skin installed. During the tests, strain values were measured at selected points of the stabilizer structure, using linear type resistance strain gauges and in a rectangular rosette arrangement. The test results confirmed the feasibility of replacing the fabric skin with a composite material skin.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 (



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