Below are some guidelines related to the preparation of your articles.
Structure of the article: Title. Authors and institutions. Summary. Keywords. Introduction. Materials and methods. Results and discussion. Conclusions. Acknowledgments. Bibliography.
Authors submit the full version of the article, including instructions, tables, captions and literature in one file (according to the template).
The article is sent for review in this form. Additionally, authors are asked to send illustrative materials (drawings, diagrams, photos, charts) in separate files (format: .jpg; .gif; .tiff; .bmp). Drawing resolution min. 300 dpi. All figures and charts should be numbered with Arabic numerals.
To place an equation, use the built-in Microsoft Word equation editor.
The text should contain references to figures and tables. Please use the Latin alphabet in the links. If you refer to a reference or citation contained in your article or papers published by other authors in our journal in the past or in the future, please remember that their official name in Polish is Scientific Papers of the Rzeszów University of Technology. Physics for Economy, and that is the official name.
At the end of the article, a list of references should be provided in the order they are cited in the text and numbered consecutively. The source is identified by a number in square brackets, such as [1].
The editorial office reserves the right to introduce terminological changes, editorial and stylistic corrections to the author's studies in order to adapt the article to the standards adopted in our journal.
Substantive changes and supplements will be made in agreement with the author.
Reviewers' opinion or comments will be forwarded to the Author for a response.
Use British or American English, but do not mix them in one article. It is recommended that you seek advice from someone who provides professional language editing services or is a native speaker.
The scope of our journal concerns:
- nano-particles,
- optical image analysis,
- fiber optic sensors,
- metrology of physical quantities,
- spintronics,
- acoustics,
- magnetostriction,
- laser processing,
- mechanical properties,
- computer science and its applications in the above-mentioned disciplines.
The Editorial Board does not pay any royalties for the publication of articles.
Apart from the .doc version of the submitted article, please prepare and send also the final .pdf version of the article.